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Word List

disappear (v)
floor (n)
frighten (v)
furniture (n)
future (n)
ghost (n)
have a chance (phr)
in pain (phr)
none (quant)
on end (phr)
opposite (prep)
sound (n)
sound like (phr)
still (adv)
the Earth (n)
thousands of (quant)
travel (v)
unhappiness (n)
visit (v)
warm (v)
wear (wore-worn) (v)
Chapter 3
argue (v)
asleep (adj)
at the bottom of (phr)
awake (adj)
be born (was/were-been)
bedclothes (n, pl)
bridge (n)
building (n)
country (n)
daytime (n)
deeply (adv)
dressed (adj)
dressing gown (n)
even though (phr conj)
freeze (froze-frozen) (v)
frightened (adj)
gentle (adj)
hold (held-held) (v)
in the middle of (phr)
invisible (adj)
joy (n)
lead (led-led) (n)
leave sb (v)
low (adj)
neck (n)
need (v)
pass (v)
past (n)
perhaps (adv)
set off (set-set) (phr v)
several (adj)
soft (adj)
stone (adj)
strength (n)
tear (n)
turn away (phr v)
wake up (woke-woken)
(phr v)
Chapter 4
as well (phr)
assistant (n)
at sb's side (phr)
awful (adj)
be interested in (phr)
beg (v)
boss (n)
busy (adj)
carriage (n)
couple (n)
cruel (adj)
death (n)
force (v)
forget (forgot-forgotten)
fruit punch (n)
get on (got-got) (phr v)
get out (v)
handsome (adj)
heavy (adj)
huge (adj)
invite (v)
laughter (n)
life (n)
make sure (phr)
memory (n)
miss sb (v)
neighbourhood (n)
night-time (n)
notice (v)
pale (adj)
proud (adj)
remember (v)
remind (v)
sadly (adv)
scene (n)
shopkeeper (n)
skin (n)
sth matters (v)
the old (n)
the young (n)
time (n)
voice (n)
What is the point of all
this? (phr)
Chapter 1
a waste of money (phr)
arrive (v)
As you wish (phr)
backwards (adv)
baker (n)
be better off (phr)
bell (n)
blow (blew-blown) (v)
butcher (n)
call (v)
cancel (v)
candle (n)
change (v)
cheek (n)
Christmas Eve (n)
clerk (n)
coal (n)
could (modal v)
crooked (adj)
curly (adj)
dark (adj)
dead (adj)
desk (n)
die (v)
doorway (n)
except (prep)
face (n)
fact (n)
feeling (n)
fill (v)
finger (n)
fireplace (n)
friendly (adj)
front door (n)
frown (v)
glasses (n, pl)
ground (n)
hear (heard-heard) (v)
heat (n)
hide (hid-hidden) (v)
hope (n)
Humbug! (n)
hurt (hurt-hurt) (v)
kind (adj)
knocker (n)
leave (left-left) (v)
leave sb alone (phr)
let (let-let) (v)
light (lit-lit) (v)
line (n)
look like (phr)
mean (meant-meant) (v)
moment (n)
nephew (n)
no longer (phr)
office (n)
office door (n)
open one's heart (phr)
others (pron, pl)
owner (n)
partner (n)
person (n, pl: people)
point (v)
red with anger (phr)
ring (rang-rung) (v)
round (adj)
seem (v)
shop window (n)
simply (adv)
sing (sang-sung) (v)
slam (v)
smile (n)
snow-covered (adj)
spend money (phr)
stand (stood-stood) (v)
step (n)
suit (n)
terror (n)
the poor (n)
think (thought-thought)
through (prep)
twice as hard (phr)
uncle (n)
wife (n)
wind (n)
world (n)
Chapter 2
a pot of soup (phr)
after all (phr)
alive (adj)
beat (beat-beaten) (v)
believe (v)
care about (v)
cellar (n)
chain (n)
clothes (n, pl)
depend on (v)
Chapter 5
bright (adj)
difference (n)
excited (adj)
excitement (n)
feel sorry for sb (phr)
fog (n)
get changed (phr)
gift (n)
love (n)
possibility (n)
present (n)
present (n)
scream (v)
spread (spread-spread)
the rest of (phr)
upstairs (adv)
walk past (v)
warm-hearted (adj)
worried (adj)
Chapter 6
break the silence (phr)
buy (bought-bought) (v)
careful (adj)
carry (v)
clear (v)
crutch (n)
do one's best (phr)
enough (quant)
get paid (phr)
give thanks (phr)
hurry (v)
mean (adj)
mind (v)
one's heart sinks (phr)
pay rise (n)
robe (n)
shake (shook-shaken)
shoulder (n)
surprised (adj)
take away (took-taken)
(phr v)
tiny (adj)
turkey (n)
unkind (adj)
weak (adj)
Chapter 7
actually (adv)
afraid (adj)
by magic (phr)
change one's mind (phr)
creature (n)
feel the same way about
sth/sb (phr)
figure (n)
glow (v)
goodness (n)
hood (n)
intelligent (adj)
joyfully (adv)
may (modal v)
once more (phr)
pudding (n)
roof (n)
share (v)
some kind of (phr)
that's the sad part
wherever (conj)
Chapter 8
be able to (phr-modal)
both (det)
card (n)
circle (n)
follow (v)
get rid of (phr)
might (modal v)
mind (n)
nervous (adj)
painful (adj)
sadness (n)
thought (n)
twice as fast (phr)
Chapter 9
as if (phr-conj)
buried (adj)
cemetery (n)
confused (adj)
continue (v)
conversation (n)
corner (n)
date (n)
deserve (v)
dirt (n)
dress (v)
empty (v)
fall over (fell-fallen)
(phr v)
funeral (n)
60 61
get down on one's
knees (phr)
glad (adj)
goods (n, pl)
gravestone (n)
laugh at sb (v)
light (adj)
part (n)
probably (adv)
sell (sold-sold) (v)
shocked (adj)
stolen (adj)
suppose (v)
thief (n)
torn (adj)
wonder (v)
Chapter 10
apologise (v)
back to normal (exp)
badly (adv)
behaviour (n)
brighten (v)
call at a place (phr)
guest (n)
have the day off (phr)
hug (v)
increase (v)
knock (v)
mime (v)
miserable (adj)
owe (v)
return (v)
salary (n)
size (n)
spirit (n)
strangely (adv)
sure (adj)
the invitation is still open
the sooner ... , the better
tinkle (v)
trot (v)
visit (n)
Word List Word List
Chapter 5
bright (adj)
difference (n)
excited (adj)
excitement (n)
feel sorry for sb (phr)
fog (n)
get changed (phr)
gift (n)
love (n)
possibility (n)
present (n)
present (n)
scream (v)
spread (spread-spread)
the rest of (phr)
upstairs (adv)
walk past (v)
warm-hearted (adj)
worried (adj)
Chapter 6
break the silence (phr)
buy (bought-bought) (v)
careful (adj)
carry (v)
clear (v)
crutch (n)
do one's best (phr)
enough (quant)
get paid (phr)
give thanks (phr)
hurry (v)
mean (adj)
mind (v)
one's heart sinks (phr)
pay rise (n)
robe (n)
shake (shook-shaken)
shoulder (n)
surprised (adj)
take away (took-taken)
(phr v)
tiny (adj)
turkey (n)
unkind (adj)
weak (adj)
Chapter 7
actually (adv)
afraid (adj)
by magic (phr)
change one's mind (phr)
creature (n)
feel the same way about
sth/sb (phr)
figure (n)
glow (v)
goodness (n)
hood (n)
intelligent (adj)
joyfully (adv)
may (modal v)
once more (phr)
pudding (n)
roof (n)
share (v)
some kind of (phr)
that's the sad part
wherever (conj)
Chapter 8
be able to (phr-modal)
both (det)
card (n)
circle (n)
follow (v)
get rid of (phr)
might (modal v)
mind (n)
nervous (adj)
painful (adj)
sadness (n)
thought (n)
twice as fast (phr)
Chapter 9
as if (phr-conj)
buried (adj)
cemetery (n)
confused (adj)
continue (v)
conversation (n)
corner (n)
date (n)
deserve (v)
dirt (n)
dress (v)
empty (v)
fall over (fell-fallen)
(phr v)
funeral (n)
60 61
get down on one's
knees (phr)
glad (adj)
goods (n, pl)
gravestone (n)
laugh at sb (v)
light (adj)
part (n)
probably (adv)
sell (sold-sold) (v)
shocked (adj)
stolen (adj)
suppose (v)
thief (n)
torn (adj)
wonder (v)
Chapter 10
apologise (v)
back to normal (exp)
badly (adv)
behaviour (n)
brighten (v)
call at a place (phr)
guest (n)
have the day off (phr)
hug (v)
increase (v)
knock (v)
mime (v)
miserable (adj)
owe (v)
return (v)
salary (n)
size (n)
spirit (n)
strangely (adv)
sure (adj)
the invitation is still open
the sooner ... , the better
tinkle (v)
trot (v)
visit (n)
oblako tegov
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