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Rush For English
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all the West of England learnt about Jack's victory. Another giant, whose name
was Blunderbore, heard of the news too and said to himself, "I shall kill
Jack if I ever catch him." This giant had a large castle in the mid­dle of
a dark wood. The wood was on the way from Cornwall to Wales. Now Jack wanted to
see Wales and so he went there. Walking near the dark wood, he decided to rest
a little. He sat down under a tree and soon fell fast asleep.

he was sleeping, the giant, who was in the wood at that time, saw him and read
the words on the belt. He at once un­derstood that this was Jack the Giant Kill­er.
He took Jack on his shoulders and car­ried him to his castle.

Jack awoke, he was surprised to find himself in the hands of the giant. But you
can understand how great was his ter­ror when the giant entered the castle and
Jack saw the human bones that covered the ground there.

carried poor Jack to a large room and left him there. After that the giant went
to find his brother, who lived in the same wood. He did not want to eat Jack
alone. He wanted to have his dinner with his brother.

waited for some time and then went to the window and looked out. Far away he
saw the two giants who were com­ing to the castle.

said Jack to himself, "my death or their death is at hand."

a corner of the room he found some ropes. He took two of them and made a strong
noose at the end. The window of the room was just above the gate of the castle.
When the giants began to open the gate, Jack threw the rope over their heads
and pulled with all his might. He pulled and pulled, and at last the giants
fell to the ground. But they were still alive. So Jack took out his sword, ran
to the gate and killed both giants. Then he took the giant's keys and opened
all the rooms of the castle. In three of them he found three beautiful ladies
who were almost starved to death.

ladies," said Jack, "I have killed this cruel giant and his brother,
and now you are free."

presented them with the keys and left them, because, as you remember, he was go­ing
to Wales.

if I ever catch him — если
я его когда-либо поймаю

in the middle of — посреди

Wales - Уэльс, гористый
полуостров на западе Англии

fell fast asleep — крепко

he was surprised to find
himself — он был удивлен, (когда увидел,) что очутился

for some time — некоторое

Far away — Вдали

is at hand — близка (букв,
под рукой)

with all his might — со всей силой

10    who were almost starved to death — кото­рые чуть не умирали от голода


1. Найдите данные слова в тексте
и выпи­шите  предложения с  ними. Переведите
эти предложения на русский язык.

Victory, to catch, to understand, castle, death, to pull.

2. Найдите   в  
тексте  английские  эквива­ленты,    соответствующие    следующим русским  словосочетаниям.

На пути
от Корнуолла к Уэльсу, немно­го отдохнуть, крепко заснуть, очутиться
(оказаться) в руках великана, подо­ждать некоторое время, со всей силой,
умирать от голода.

3. Напишите   транскрипцию   слов.  
Прочи­тайте эти слова и переведите их на рус­ский язык.

Heard, dark, wood, asleep, took, poor, room, eat,
look, sword.

Проверьте факты. Выберите нужное сло­во из скобок.

1)  The giant Blunderbore had a
large ... in the middle of a dark wood (house, cave, castle, palace).

2)  Walking near ... Jack
decided to rest a little (river, field, mountain, wood).

3)  But you can understand how
great was his ..., when the giant entered the castle and Jack saw the human
bones that cov­ered the ground there (happiness, fear, surprise, terror).

4)  Far away Jack saw the ...
giants who were coming to the castle (three, two, four).

5)  In a corner of the room
Jack found some ...
(stones, logs, ropes,

6)  Jack took out his ..., ran
to the gate and killed both giants (belt, gun, club, word).

5.      Заполните пропуски.

1)   Soon all the West of
England learnt about Jack's ....

2)   Walking near the dark ...,
Jack decid­ed to rest a little.

3)   He sat under a tree and
soon ... fast asleep.

4)    find himself in the hands of the ....

5)      Blunderbore carried poor Jack to a large
room and ... him there.

6)    When the giants began to
open the ..., Jack threw the rope over their ... with ... all his might.

7)    He pulled and pulled and at
last the giants ... to the ground.

6.      Правда или нет.

1)      Another  
giants,   whose   name  
was Blunderbore, did not want to kill Jack.

2)    Jack wanted to see Wales
and so he went there.

3)    In the wood the giant
Blunderbore did not understand that this was Jack the Giant Killer.

4)    The giant took Jack on his
shoulders and carried him to the castle.

5)    The giant wanted to eat
Jack alone. Jack killed both giants with his sword.

7.      Ответьте на вопросы.

What did the giant Blunderbore say when he heard the news about Jack's victory?

2)      Where did the giant live?

3)      Did the giant Blunderbore see Jack while
he was sleeping in the wood?

4)    Why did the giant
understand at once that it was Jack the Giant Killer?

5)    How did Jack manage to kill
the gi­ants?

6)    Whom did he set free in the
giant's castle?

8.      Составьте рассказ на следующие темы.

1)   Jack in the dark wood.

2)   Jack in the giant's castle.

3)   Jack's victory over two

9.      Сделайте свой рисунок к сказке и опиши­те его.

10. Перескажите сказку: а)
кратко; б) близ­ко к тексту.

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