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"To be” в Present Simple (в Настоящем простом времени)
|Positive |(Положит. |Negative |(Отрицательная форма) |
| |Форма) | |(spoken) |
|(written) |(spoken) |(written) |I’m not |
|I am |I’m |I am not |You are not / You |
|You are |You’re |You are not |aren’t |
|He is |He’s |He is not |He is not / He isn’t |
|She is |She’s |She is not |She is not / She isn’t |
|It is |It’s |It is not |It is not / It isn’t |
|We are |We’re |We are not |We are not / We aren’t |
|They are |They’re |They are not |They are not / They |
| | | |aren’t |
| | |
| | |
|Questions Вопросы) |Short answers (Краткие ответы) |
|Am I ....? |Yes I am. No I am not. / No I’m |
|Are you ...? |not. |
|Is he ...? |Yes you are. No you are not. / No you |
|Is she ...? |aren’t. |
|Is it ...? |Yes he is. No he is not. / No he |
|Are we ...? |isn’t. |
|Are they ...? |Yes she is. No she is not. / No she |
| |isn’t. |
| |Yes it is. No it is not. / |
| |No it isn’t. |
| |Yes we are. No we are not. / No we |
| |aren’t. |
| |Yes they are. No they are not. / No they |
| |aren’t |

"to be” в Past Simple (в Простом прошедшем времени) positive negative question
(положит.форма) (отрицательная форма) (вопрос)
I/he/she/it was I/he/she/it was not (wasn’t) was
We/you/they were we/you/they were not (weren’t) were we/you/they?

"to be” в Future Simple (Простом будущем времени)
I/he/she/it/we/you/they will (‘ll) be
I/he/she/it/we/you/they will not be (won’t be)
Will I/he/she/it/we/they be

Функции глагола to be:

1. Смысловой глагол: быть, существовать; жить, находиться:
How are you? Как (вы) поживаете?
Are you often in town? Часто ли вы бываете в городе?
How much is it? Сколько это стоит?

2. В составном сказуемом является основным глаголом-связкой:
Не is a teacher. Он учитель.
I am cold. Мне холодно.

В разговорной речи в утвердительной форме настоящего неопределенного времени (Present Indefinite) обычно глагол to be употребляется в следующих сокращениях:

I am = I'm we are = we're he is = he's you are = you're she is = she's they are = they' re

It is = It's

В отрицательной форме Present Indefinite употребляются следующие сокращения глагола to be:

I am not = I' m not he is not = he's not she is not = she's not it is not = it's not we are not = we're not you are not = you're not they are not = they're not

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