Суббота, 01.02.2025, 21:38
Rush For English
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Форма входа
(Section 100.4 of NYCRR)
Units of Study:
Schools shall provide all students with instruction to
enable them to achieve the State intermediate-level
learning standards by the end of grade 8 through:
English Language Arts 2 units of study
Social Studies 2 units of study
Science 2 units of study
Mathematics 2 units of study
Technology Education 1 unit of study
Home and Career Skills 3/4 unit of study
Health Education 1/2 unit of study
The Arts 1/2 unit of study in visual arts;
1/2 unit of study in music
Library and Equivalent of 1 period per week
Information Skills
Languages Other At least 1 unit of study by the
Than English* end of grade 8
Physical Education 3 periods for 1 semester and 2
periods for the other semester
per year
Intermediate-level assessments aligned to the State
learning standards are administered in grade 8 in English
language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies.
N o t e :
( 1 ) The unit of study requirement (180 minutes per
week) for one or more subjects may be reduced
for students in need of academic intervention
services, but in a manner that does not prevent
them from attaining the State learning standards in
any area required for graduation or from meeting
local standards for promotion.
( 2 ) Qualified students in grade 8 shall have the opportunity
to take high school courses and receive diploma
credit (Section 100.4(c) of NYCRR). Schools must
offer grade 8 acceleration in at least two subjects,
one of which must be a mathematics course.
( 3 ) Study in home and career skills, technology, and
health education may begin in grade 6 if taught by
a teacher certified in the area.
* Students who complete Checkpoint A and 2 units of study
in a language other than English no later than the end of
grade 8 must pass the second language proficiency exam in
order to earn 1 unit of credit toward the high school diploma
(Section 100.2(d) of NYCRR).
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