Суббота, 18.01.2025, 04:41
Rush For English
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Jack walked very fast, and
he was al­ready in Wales when night fell and he lost his way. But soon he came
to a large house. He did not want to sleep in the wood, so he knocked at the
gate. You can understand how great was his surprise when a huge gi­ant with two
heads came to the gate. This was a Welsh giant who liked to play cruel tricks
on people. He opened the gate and asked Jack to come in.

are you and what are you doing in my country?" asked the Welsh giant.

am a poor traveller, and I have lost my way in the dark," said Jack.
"May I spend the night with you?"

I have many rooms in my house, and, of course, you can spend the night with
me," answered the giant.

Welsh giant led Jack to a bedroom and left him alone. But the giant did not go
far away. He sat in the neighbouring room and waited. When he thought that Jack
was asleep, he began to mutter:

"Though here you spend
with me the night,

You will not see the
morning light, I'll kill you with my club outright!" But Jack was not
asleep and heard every thing.   And   when  
he   heard   the 
giant': words, he said to himself,

you want to play one of your trick on me! Well, I hope that I shall be able to
play a better trick on you."

He got out of his bed, laid
a log in the bed in his place and covered it with  a blanket. Then he hid himself in a corner of
the room.  In the dead of night1  the Welsh giant came in and struck several
heavy blows on the bed with his club. He was sure that now every bone in Jack's
body was broken. The next morning Jack came out of the bedroom. He was merry
and  thanked  the 
giant  for  the 
night's rest.

have you slept?" asked the giant. "Didn't you feel anything in the

said Jack, "I felt nothing but a mouse who touched me three or four times
with her tail!"

Welsh giant was greatly surprised, but he said nothing and led Jack to break­
fast. The giant gave a large bowl with four gallons1 of porridge in it. Jack
did not want  to show the giant that he
could not eat much porridge. So he hid a large leather bag under his coat, and
when he ate, he p most of his porridge into the bag. The giant did not see what
Jack was doing because 1 was too busy with his own breakfast. Then Jack said:

you want to see a trick which you cannot do?"

answered the giant. "There are no tricks that I cannot do! Show me you
trick, and I shall do it myself!"

took a knife and cut open his coat and the bag under it, and all the
porridge  fell out.

that all?" said the giant. "I can dc that myself!"

Welsh giant took the knife, cut open his belly and fell down dead.

night fell and he lost his
way — наступила (букв, упала) ночь, и он заблудился (букв, по­терял путь)

who liked to play cruel
tricks — которому нравилось разыгрывать злые шутки

3     the   morning 
light - завтрашний день (букв, утренний свет)

to play a better trick on you! — разыграть над тобой шутку получше!

in the dead of night — глубокой ночью

struck several heavy blows
on the bed - нанес  несколько  сильных 
(букв,   тяжелых) ударов по

The next morning — На
следующее утро

I felt nothing but a mouse
— Я не почув­ствовал ничего, кроме мыши

 four gallons — четыре галлона, т. е. более
восемнадцати килограммов (в галлоне, анг­лийской мере жидких и сыпучих тел,
содер­жится 4,53 л)

10    There are no tricks that I cannot do! - Нет таких шуток, которые я бы
не мог проде­лать сам!

11    cut open — взрезал

12      fell down dead — упал мертвым



1. Найдите в тексте следующие
словосоче­тания и переведите их на русский язык.

cruel tricks on people, poor trav­eller, to lose the way, to spend the night,
to be surprised.

2. Найдите в тексте предложения с
данны­ми словами и выражениями. Переведите
их на русский язык.

Night fell, surprise, to be
asleep, to hide oneself, to be sure, to feel

3. Поставьте данные глаголы в
прошедшее простое время.

Lose, understand, spend,
lead, leave, do, sit, think, begin, lay, break, eat.

4. Закончите предложения и
переведите на русский язык.

1)    This was a Welsh giant who
liked play cruel tricks on ... .

2)    "I am a poor
traveller, and I have lost ..." said Jack.

3)    The Welsh giant led Jack to
a ....

4)    He got out of his bed, laid
a log in his place and covered it with a ....

5)    "No", said Jack,
"I felt nothing but mouse who touched me three or four times with her ....

5.      Ответьте на вопросы.

1)    Whom did Jack see when he
knocked at the gate of a large house?

2)    What did Jack ask the giant

3)    What did the giant want to
do with Jack?

4)    Did Jack hear everything
that the giant muttered? How did he decide to act?

5)    Why was the giant sure that
ever bone in Jack's body was broken?

6)    Was the giant surprised
when he saw Jack in the morning? What did he ask Jack about?

7)   What did Jack do with the
porridge during the breakfast?

8)   What joke did Jack play on
the giant?

9)   What did the Welsh giant do
after he saw Jack's joke?

6.      Перескажите сказку, используя слова из упражнений 1 и 2.

7.      Вспомните, как Джек пошутил над вели­каном за завтраком.
Нарисуйте картин­ку  к  этому  
эпизоду  и   найдите  
к   ней предложения из текста.

8.      Разыграйте сказку.

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